Daily Archives: May 21, 2012

RM160 Million Federal Government Aid For Sarawak Road Projects


KUCHING: The federal government has allocated RM166,018,540 this year to carry out 20 road projects in Sarawak, State Infrastructure Development and Communications Minister Datuk Seri Michael Manyin said today.   

He said five of the projects had been completed while the rest were under various stages of implementation.

Some RM37,814,550 of the allocation had been spent, he said when winding up debate on allocations for his ministry at the State Assembly.

The proposed Sungai Pandaruan Bridge linking Limbang district and Brunei’s territory of Temburong, which cost RM20.8 million, was among the ongoing projects this year and was expected to be completed by Aug 14 next year.

“The cost of the bridge (project) would be shared by both governments (of Malaysia and Brunei),” he said.

Manyin said that for last year, Sarawak received a Federal allocation of RM242,159,485 to implement 44 road projects.

Some RM241,299,710 of the allocation had been spent, whereby 26 projects had been completed with the remaining still under implementation, he said.

Under the National Key Results Area (NKRA) for rural basic infrastructure, he said, the state had received RM100 million from the Federal government and RM95 million of it had been spent. – Bernama

Source: http://www.theborneopost.com/2012/05/21/rm160-mln-federal-govt-aid-for-sarawak-road-projects-new/#ixzz1vVtM1jAP

No Clean Water, Electricity In Krian


        Salcra settlements in Krian constituency are without electricity and clean water, according to its assemblyman Ali Biju.

Despite having been under Barisan Nasional rule for four election terms, longhouses, schools and clinics in the Krian constituency are still without clean water and electricity.

Raising this issue during the current Sarawak State Legislative Assembly sitting, Krian assemblyman Ali Biju said clean treated water and electricity were rare commodities in Krian as well as in the state government-owned Sarawak Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority (Salcra) settlements.

He said Salcra, which has been tasked with developing NCR land into oil plam plantations, had failed to provide electricity to some 13 longhouses in the Krian constituency as part of its obligation.

“The construction of electrical transmission lines along Ulu Awik and Ulu Kabo areas under rural electrification scheme has been stalled due to Salcra’s refusal to have its oil palm trees under the transmission line to be cut down.

“I urge the state authority to settle the matters with Salcra for the sake of the people.

“Those longhouses are Rumah Ngerubong, Engkala; Rumah Balang, Sungai Sawa; Rumah Majang, Ukir; Rumah Aji, Jaong; Rumah Achai, Ulu Awik; Rumah Beti, Ulu Awik; Rumah Kat Jugah, Ulu Awik; Rumah Entalang, Lubok Rembai; Rumah Jilan, Ulu Risau; Rumah Tangan, Ulu Risau; Rumah Bennet Buan, Ulu Risau; Rumah Kadam, Sungai Tapang and Kabo Ulu,” he said.

Biju also said that many longhouses, clinics, and schools in his constituency still do not have clean treated water and proper electricity.

He said the longhouses that did not have clean water included Rumah Belong, Munggu Embawang; Rumah Untan, Tanjung Sikup; Rumah Tajak, Kaki Wong; Rumah Gana, Nanga Drau, Sungai Tapang and Sungai Wong.

He also said that schools and many more longhouses in Krian constituency were not listed in the construction of clean water project currently being carried out.

Biju was elected as the Krian assemblyman in the April election last year after he defeated the four-term incumbent Peter Nyarok. Nyarok was the former deputy president of Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party (SPDP).

Fear over perimeter survey

Biju also said many native landowners in his constituency are worried about the perimeter survey exercise, which will convert their NCR land into so-called Communal Reserve Land under Section 6 of the Land Code

“Section 6 (3) of Sarawak Land Code mentions clearly that such land remains as state land whereby landowners become licensees only from the government.

“Many native landowners havde refused to convert their NCR land into Communal Reserved Land.

“Instead, Krian natives have been waiting for the establishment of a NCR Land Registry under the Land and Survey Department.

“It is surprising to know that this assembly had passed the native land registry legislation way back in 2000 but so far has yet to be implemented or gazetted.

“Once the registry is established, native landowners can be easily trained to demarcate their own NCR land for registration,” he said.

He also suggested that the state government survey all NCR land under Section 18 of the Land Code as this is what native landowners want.

He said that “land use map” for Sarawak and Brunei showed that there is no state land in Krian constituency.

“The natives have been in occupation of the area long before the coming of Rajah Brooke.

“Recently Awik-Kabo natives discovered certain parts of their NCR land of about 2,000ha are mentioned as state land.

“They are concerned about the matter as they know that there is definitely no state land in that area.

“In view of this, I am seeking a proper explanation from the Land and Survey Department,” Biju said.


Source : http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2012/05/20/no-clean-water-electricity-in-krian/