Monthly Archives: March 2013

Mawan Determined To Complete Rumah Dayak


KUCHING: Sarawak Dayak National Union (SDNU) president Tan Sri William Mawan is determined to get the proposed new Rumah Dayak moving again in spite of copious criticisms and shortfalls.

Mawan said yesterday that SDNU, the developer Canjaya Sdn Bhd and the contractors were putting their heads together to find solutions to the long delayed project.

“SDNU only has a 20 per cent stake in the whole project, with the rest belonging to the developer. It would be unfair to pin everything on SDNU.

“As things were left to us, we are taking the lead to clear the way for support for the project,” he said after receiving the old Rumah Dayak plaque from The Borneo Post reporter Matthew Timbang Umpang here.

Social Development Minister Mawan said the project was mired in a myriad of complex issues and hoped that all obstacles would be resolved soon.

“Hopefully, all problems causing the delay can be solved very soon. Give it a couple more years. Let the developer and contractors get their job done the best they can.”

The project, which is situated along the busy Jalan Satok here, costs RM28.5 million and basically comprises a tower block and shophouses.

Phase 1, said Mawan, consists of seven units of shoplots. They are expected to be completed in June this year.

As for Phase II which covers the 12-storey tower, he said its foundation work had been completed.

“The area for public use is actually completed and activities will need to be intensified.”

It is understood that the first problem facing the project was Kuching North City Commission (DBKU)’s disapproval of its building structure and planning design shortly after construction started in 2005.

The contract was then awarded to another developer, but the project again stalled eventually due to financial woes.

Source from The Borneo Post :

23 People Die In Road Accidents Daily


KOTA SAMARAHAN: On average, 23 people die in road accidents in Malaysia every day, said Road Transport Department (JPJ) director-general Datuk Seri Solah Mat Hassan yesterday.

“About 65 per cent of the victims are motorcyclists,” he told reporters after the opening of Institut Memandu NB Motors Sdn Bhd (IMNB) in Kota Samarahan here.“That’s why I always emphasise that driving institutes and driving schools should not only teach but must inculcate a good culture of driving in learners.”

Solah felt that all the driving instructors have the responsibility to ensure the learners they train must be equipped with not only good driving skills but also good attitude. Currently, the country has about 8,000 driving instructors. However, such figure could not meet the increasing demand especially in the field of heavy vehicles and public vehicles, he said.

“In order to solve the shortage of instructors, we are going to have a special course in Sarawak, Sabah and the peninsula soon.”

Those who have minimum qualification of SPM with a valid driving licence could apply to join as instructor, said Solah, adding that the shortlisted candidates will have to attend a three-week course on theory and practical.Earlier in his speech, he pointed out the country has so far registered about 22.7 million vehicles, however, only two thirds were still active on the road. While the number of registered drivers stands at 13.3 million.

He also revealed that the government might introduce a new Malaysian licence to replace the existing one.“The driving licence may soon be replaced with the one which will be equipped with better security features so that it cannot be duplicated.”

Apart from that, the government has agreed to waive the tuition fee for the physically-challenged people (OKU) if they wished to take a driving course, said Solah.He added that OKU would need to pay a nominal fee for their licence as part of the government’s effort to help the needy.The country has 191 driving institutes, of which 23 are in Sarawak. For the 234 driving schools in the nation, 26 are in Sarawak.

Source from The Borneo Post :

SIDS In Good Position To Empower Dayak Women


SIBU: Sarakup Induk Dayak Sarawak (SIDS) Sibu has been playing a crucial role in empowering Dayak women, enabling them to better participate in nation building.

Speaking at the closing of its Sibu branch’s 21st AGM here yesterday, Local Government and Community Development and Second Finance Minister Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh said it helped equip women with the necessary knowledge and skills to move forward.

“I am glad that SIDS Sibu branch under the exco led by the capable leadership of Alice Jawan is trying its best to help our Dayak women in various ways to bring them to higher level of knowledge and skills in managing so many other things,” Wong, who is a Senior Minister, said in giving SIDS Sibu a pat on the back.

He stressed that it was important for the organisation to grow from strength to strength as it played an important role in the community, particularly in nation building, more so with the rapid pace of development.

Wong, who is Bawang Assan assemblyman, also impressed on those present the importance of education.

He stressed that with education, parents would be able to bring up their children in a more proper way, adding that education determines the wellbeing of each individual.

“It also decides the wellbeing of the community and for that matter, the entire nation.”

He recalled how the former prime minister when propagating Vision 2020, described education as investment into the future.

Quoting Dr Mahathir, he said: “There is no country in this world which is education poor can be rich. On the other hand, there is no country in this world that is rich in education can be poor and vice-versa.”

Hence, he said this was true not only for the nation or community but also for each individual, given the highly competitive environment.

“In this highly competitive world, when we are not knowledgeable and skilful, we stand less chance of being successful,” Wong said.

Towards this end, he noted that mothers played a key role in building a strong family institution, saying “the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world”.

Later, Wong announced a grant of RM10,000 for SIDS Sibu branch to carry out its activities.

Meanwhile, Alice recalled that the local branch was set up back in 1989.

Currently, they have 1,360 members, she said.

“Among the main objectives of SIDS is to promote education and expand knowledge. We are constantly empowering women through education,” she added.

The new committee line-up for 2013-2015 are chairman (Alice), vice-chairman (Catherine Kundau), secretary (Angelyn Uchi Maseng), assistant secretary (Teresa Suli Noel), treasurer (Monica Giri), assistant treasurer (Magdalene Sinah) and committee members: Michelle Hildalyne Anthony, Magdeline Sigi, Rosalind Sandah, Priscilla Bunsi David and Claudin Dieo.

Awards were also given out to members’ children who excelled in their recent public examinations.

Source from The Borneo Post :

Study Shows Sharp Drop In Reading Habits Among Young Graduates


KUCHING: A study conducted by the national library recently has revealed a sharp decline in reading habits among young working adults who have completed their tertiary education.

Malaysian National Library director-general Datuk Raslin Abu Bakar yesterday said many of the university graduates who were involved in the research admitted to have spent much less time reading after they graduated. A similar study on school leavers also revealed the same finding.

He highlighted that it was important to inculcate reading habits among the youths and older generations to promote continuous learning and acquisition of knowledge.

Raslin pointed this out at the official opening of Kampung Sg Bedil village library at Jalan Astana near here. Among those present were Petra Jaya MP Datuk Fadillah Yusof who officiated at the event and state library (Pustaka) Board of Management chairman Tan Sri Datuk Amar Hamid Bugo.

“For various reasons, these young working adults tend to spend less time reading when compared to their university or schooling days. Study shows that reading was on a decline among these groups after they completed their studies.

“The village library initiative was introduced to promote reading habits among the children, students and also the older generations to inculcate reading habits while encouraging continuous studying,” Raslin added.

To date, more than 1,000 village libraries have been built at various locations nationwide. The state has a total of 207 village libraries.

Advising the community to make full use of the facilities available at their village library, Hamid who spoke earlier, reminded villagers not to be shy in making requests for provision of books of their favourite subjects.

“All in the name of acquiring knowledge, do not hesitate to enquire or make request for the availability of books in your field of interest. Most importantly, make good use of the facilities available,” he urged.

Developed in 2011, the newly-built Kampung Sg Bedil Besar village library possessed a collection of 1,007 various reading materials to date.

Apart from increasing awareness on the importance of continuous learning and expanding the mind of the local community, it is hoped the establishment of the village library programme would improve the reading ability of the people. All these would inadvertently aid their pursuit in skills and knowledge advancement which will help to improve their socio-economy.

Various activities were held in conjunction with the official unveiling of the library such as reading competitions among kindergarten and primary school students, a traditional cooking competition and a flower arrangement contest.

Source from The Borneo Post :

Federal secretary: Vote Wisely In Coming 13th GE


KUCHING: Civil servants have been told to vote wisely come the 13th general election which will be called anytime soon.

The federal secretary Md Yahaya Basimin yesterday reminded civil servants to be thankful of the continuous efforts of the government in improving the salary as well as the welfare of the public sector.

Speaking at the assembly of the civil servants of the federal government’s departments and agencies at the auditorium of the State Education Department in Petra Jaya here, he said the latest announcement on salary increments indicated that the government would continue to improve the benefits in the public sector.

“In the past, many will think working with the government is not something glamourous while some will even view the job as second class due to the difference in salary. However, such perception has changed today, thanks to the effort of the government in narrowing the salary gap.

“The remuneration in public sector today is on par or even better than the private sector. The latest announcement on salary increment has showed that our government would never leave us behind. We therefore should be thankful and repay the kindness accordingly.”

Yahaya added that: “I’m not campaigning but it would be wise to make a good choice in the forthcoming general election.”

He also wanted the head of departments and agencies to practise the culture of ‘go to the ground’ to better understand every programme or project under each department or agency. He stressed that the heads must visit branch offices in every division or district and take the initiative to communicate with staff on their needs or problems.

“By applying the culture of going to the ground, the heads can gain different perspectives and it will help you to solve any issues effectively. Every single office in rural or remote area is as important as the headquarters in Kuching.”

State Education director Abdillah Adam, who gave a briefing on the department earlier on, revealed that they would review its current vision and mission to meet the changing demand as well as to fulfill the new education blueprint. The department also targeted to improve the ranking of Sarawak in public examinations in three years time, he said.

“With the introduction of Linus (literacy and numeracy programme) in 2010, the performance of Sarawak students has improved. Hopefully, after three years, Sarawak is no longer at the second bottom in terms of UPSR performance.” As at Jan 31, 2013, Sarawak had a total of 280,488 pupils in 1,264 primary schools and 206,776 students in 185 secondary schools.

The numbers of teachers in primary schools as at Jan 31, 2013 were 25,888 and 15,216 in secondary schools where 60 per cent of them were female, said Abdillah.

Source from The Borneo Post :

State Funeral For Fallen Hero


KUCHING: Assistant Superintendent of Police Michael Padel who was killed in an ambush by Sulu intruders in Semporna on Saturday will be buried at the Heroes Grave tomorrow.

This was confirmed by State Police Commissioner Datuk Acryl Sani Abdullah when met by reporters after receiving the body of Michael at the State Police Air Unit base yesterday.

According to Sani, the state government agreed to accord a state funeral for the fallen policeman and arrangements are being made for the burial.

“The burial ceremony will take place this Wednesday (tomorrow) around 11am, and it will be a testimony of the state government’s appreciation and honour towards one of the state’s sons who had sacrificed his life fighting for the country,” he said.

On a related matter, Sani said the federal government would look into the needs and welfare of the bereaved family.

Michael, from Kampung Tebakang Dayak in Serian, will be the first police officer to be buried at the Heroes Grave.

The announcement of the state burial was first made by the emcee at the hall of the State Police Air Unit base.

Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud was seen discussing the matter with Sani, who then whispered the outcome of the discussion to the emcee.

About 1,000 people led by the Head of State Tun Abang Muhammad Salahuddin Abang Barieng and wife Toh Puan Datuk Patinggi Norkiah, other state dignitaries, police personnel and armed forces personnel gathered at the hall waiting for the arrival of the remains of Michael.

The army plane carrying ASP Michael’s remains touched down at State Police Air Unit base at 5.30pm.

It departed from Kota Kinabalu at 2.30pm and among the passengers were his wife Jabah Mingku and their 11-year-old son.

Also present were Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Alfred Jabu Numpang, deputy speaker of Dewan Rakyat Datuk Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar, Second Minister of Resource Planning and Envrionment Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hassan, and other members of state cabinet

Source from The Borneo Post :

Minister Confident State BN Will Prove Pundits Wrong


KUCHING: Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) deputy president Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Abang Openg is confident the State Barisan Nasional (BN) can retain more than 25 parliamentary constituencies in the next general election.He said this in response to political pundits who predicted that the State BN could lose up to six seats in the coming polls.

“In fact, state BN can retain more than 25 parliamentary seats, but we cannot be complacent. We have to work harder to fulfil our promises,” he told reporters after launching the Bintangor River Rehabilitation Project in Kampung Masjid here yesterday.

Presently, the state BN holds 29 out of 31 parliamentary constituencies. DAP has Bandar Kuching since 2004, and claimed Sibu during the by-election in 2010.

In the state election 2011, BN managed to secure 55 state seats after losing 12 to DAP, PKR (3) and Independent (1).More than 10 of the 16 defeated state constituencies are Chinese-majority urban seats. They include Padungan, Pending, Batu Lintang, Kota Sentosa, Repok, Meradong, Bukit Assek, Dudong, Pelawan, Piasau.

Abang Johari, who is also Satok assemblyman, felt that some Malaysians had regretted giving a chance to Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in the last general election.“Although they gave the opposition a chance to rule four states in West Malaysia, they have realised which coalition can better serve them.

“Look at the party election of the DAP, which claimed that there was no proper counting of votes and had to go for a second voting. We all know that something must have gone wrong.”He added that PR political parties remained disorganised despite having launched their manifesto recently.

“We shall leave it to the voters and people to assess, and I believe our people know which party to pick. In BN, we will continue to work hard,” he said.

Source from The Borneo Post :