Daily Archives: March 29, 2013

Mawan Determined To Complete Rumah Dayak


KUCHING: Sarawak Dayak National Union (SDNU) president Tan Sri William Mawan is determined to get the proposed new Rumah Dayak moving again in spite of copious criticisms and shortfalls.

Mawan said yesterday that SDNU, the developer Canjaya Sdn Bhd and the contractors were putting their heads together to find solutions to the long delayed project.

“SDNU only has a 20 per cent stake in the whole project, with the rest belonging to the developer. It would be unfair to pin everything on SDNU.

“As things were left to us, we are taking the lead to clear the way for support for the project,” he said after receiving the old Rumah Dayak plaque from The Borneo Post reporter Matthew Timbang Umpang here.

Social Development Minister Mawan said the project was mired in a myriad of complex issues and hoped that all obstacles would be resolved soon.

“Hopefully, all problems causing the delay can be solved very soon. Give it a couple more years. Let the developer and contractors get their job done the best they can.”

The project, which is situated along the busy Jalan Satok here, costs RM28.5 million and basically comprises a tower block and shophouses.

Phase 1, said Mawan, consists of seven units of shoplots. They are expected to be completed in June this year.

As for Phase II which covers the 12-storey tower, he said its foundation work had been completed.

“The area for public use is actually completed and activities will need to be intensified.”

It is understood that the first problem facing the project was Kuching North City Commission (DBKU)’s disapproval of its building structure and planning design shortly after construction started in 2005.

The contract was then awarded to another developer, but the project again stalled eventually due to financial woes.

Source from The Borneo Post : http://www.theborneopost.com/2013/03/28/mawan-determined-to-complete-rumah-dayak/#ixzz2OvQuGuuE