Tag Archives: EC

Don’t Paint Your Nails — State EC Chief


KUCHING: Women voters who love to have their fingernails beautifully painted with an assortment of designs should not go for manicure for the time being as polling for the 13th general election is on May 5.

The advice from state Election Commission (EC) director Datuk Takun Sunggah is: “Don’t paint your nails!”

His advice has basis for at the polling centre an indelible ink would be applied on their left index finger before ballot papers are issued to them to cast their votes.

This is in line with one of the provisions of the Election Regulations (Conduct of Elections) (Amendment) 2012 which was gazetted in February, 2012.

“All voters will be painted with the indelible ink. If they refused, no ballot paper will be issued,”

Takun told The Borneo Post yesterday.

He stressed that the indelible ink must be applied on the fi ngure nail but this could not be done on nails covered with polish.

It will take at least three days, or at most four weeks, for the ink to fade.

The practice is meant to prevent the possibility of foul play of voting twice or more.

Takun said two different colours of indelible ink would be used in the coming election and the EC was keeping the colours a `top secret’ to prevent unnecessary complications from arising.

One colour would be used for early voting, on April 30, and the other on May 5.

On the number of nomination papers sold thus far, Takun said as of Thursday, the state EC had sold 127 sets.

These forms, which need to be filled and submitted to the EC on nomination day – April 20 – by the candidates, cost RM20 each. Takun said he had no information which EC offices had sold the most number of copies.

“(There is also) no record of which party bought these forms because they (those purchasing) came as individuals.”

Source from The Borneo Post : http://www.theborneopost.com/2013/04/13/dont-paint-your-nails-state-ec-chief/#ixzz2QLujAlCs