Tag Archives: Mahathir

SIDS In Good Position To Empower Dayak Women


SIBU: Sarakup Induk Dayak Sarawak (SIDS) Sibu has been playing a crucial role in empowering Dayak women, enabling them to better participate in nation building.

Speaking at the closing of its Sibu branch’s 21st AGM here yesterday, Local Government and Community Development and Second Finance Minister Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh said it helped equip women with the necessary knowledge and skills to move forward.

“I am glad that SIDS Sibu branch under the exco led by the capable leadership of Alice Jawan is trying its best to help our Dayak women in various ways to bring them to higher level of knowledge and skills in managing so many other things,” Wong, who is a Senior Minister, said in giving SIDS Sibu a pat on the back.

He stressed that it was important for the organisation to grow from strength to strength as it played an important role in the community, particularly in nation building, more so with the rapid pace of development.

Wong, who is Bawang Assan assemblyman, also impressed on those present the importance of education.

He stressed that with education, parents would be able to bring up their children in a more proper way, adding that education determines the wellbeing of each individual.

“It also decides the wellbeing of the community and for that matter, the entire nation.”

He recalled how the former prime minister when propagating Vision 2020, described education as investment into the future.

Quoting Dr Mahathir, he said: “There is no country in this world which is education poor can be rich. On the other hand, there is no country in this world that is rich in education can be poor and vice-versa.”

Hence, he said this was true not only for the nation or community but also for each individual, given the highly competitive environment.

“In this highly competitive world, when we are not knowledgeable and skilful, we stand less chance of being successful,” Wong said.

Towards this end, he noted that mothers played a key role in building a strong family institution, saying “the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world”.

Later, Wong announced a grant of RM10,000 for SIDS Sibu branch to carry out its activities.

Meanwhile, Alice recalled that the local branch was set up back in 1989.

Currently, they have 1,360 members, she said.

“Among the main objectives of SIDS is to promote education and expand knowledge. We are constantly empowering women through education,” she added.

The new committee line-up for 2013-2015 are chairman (Alice), vice-chairman (Catherine Kundau), secretary (Angelyn Uchi Maseng), assistant secretary (Teresa Suli Noel), treasurer (Monica Giri), assistant treasurer (Magdalene Sinah) and committee members: Michelle Hildalyne Anthony, Magdeline Sigi, Rosalind Sandah, Priscilla Bunsi David and Claudin Dieo.

Awards were also given out to members’ children who excelled in their recent public examinations.

Source from The Borneo Post : http://www.theborneopost.com/2013/03/17/sids-in-good-position-to-empower-dayak-women/#ixzz2Nlh1qmVN