Tag Archives: Radio Free Sarawak

Radio Free Sarawak ‘Running Wild’


SIBU: The stealth modus operandi of Radio Free Sarawak has grown to become a ‘grave concern’ as it is sowing deceit among the rural populace.It (Radio) has gone ‘wild’ by hurling all kinds of allegations and accusations against the government, cautioned PRS president Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing after the party’s Supreme Council Meeting here on Saturday.

“We view this matter with grave concern, given that the main form of communication in the rural areas is radio,” he said, adding that this issue was deliberated during the meeting.“I hope that rural folks will be more discerning when listening to news broadcasted by Radio Free Sarawak.”
Masing admitted that it was difficult to nail the perpetrators for they not only use different frequencies but also operate through mobile stations.

“I don’t listen to Radio Free Sarawak, but apparently from the report that we had, it is running wild. Running wild in the sense that they tell all kinds of stories and make all kinds of allegations and accusations against government of the day,” he bemoaned.He added that party vice president Datuk Joseph Salang, who is also Deputy Minister of Information, Communication and Culture, told the meeting that it was difficult to home in on these individuals.

“Firstly, they are using different frequencies which we cannot control, and their stations are mobile to avoid detection,” explained Masing, who is also Minister of Land Development.
“You see, one day they will be here, the next time they could be in Malacca, and other time in Limbang or elsewhere. They are always on the move, so it’s hard to control them.”The only viable option left is to advise all listeners to analyse what they hear carefully, and not to accept things at face value.

“All listeners must put on their thinking cap, and become more discerning when listening to their news.”

Source from The Borneo Post : http://www.theborneopost.com/2012/10/29/radio-free-sarawak-running-wild/#ixzz2AfzDQHgZ