Tag Archives: RCI

Sabah RCI Terms Next Saturday


KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak will reveal details of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into Sabah’s illegal immigrant problem next Saturday, finally putting an end to nearly six months of uncertainty on the issue.
He confirmed yesterday that the terms of reference for the royal panel’s probe will be disclosed following his meeting with Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders.
“I will announce on the 11th (of August),” he told reporters when asked for a date.
“I have met with a few Sabah BN leaders and I will meet with them on the 11th,” he said.
Najib had announced the highly-anticipated RCI on Sabah’s illegals issue on June 1 but stopped short of revealing details of the panel’s composition and terms of reference.
The issue has been bandied about in the media since February 10 when Sabah BN leader Tan Sri Bernard Dompok’s first announced Cabinet’s decision to form the RCI.
The unchecked influx of illegal immigrants in Sabah has been a longstanding problem in the BN-ruled state, and frequently blamed for the rise in social, economic and security problems suffered by the locals here.
According to replies provided in Parliament last year, Sabah’s populace numbered 651,304 in 1970 and grew to 929,299 a decade later. But in the two decades following 1980, the state’s population rose significantly by a staggering 1.5 million people, reaching 2,468,246 by 2000.
Media reports said that as of 2010, this number has grown further to 3.12 million, with foreigners making up a sizeable 27 per cent or 889,799 of the population.
Opposition leaders have long raged against the BN government for this population explosion, alleging that illegals have been allowed into the east Malaysian state, and given MyKads and voting rights to help the ruling coalition cling to power.
The issue has also been among the key reasons behind the latest departures of two senior BN lawmakers — Tuaran MP Datuk Seri Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing and Beaufort MP Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin.

*Taken from Borneo Post news portal : http://www.theborneopost.com/2012/08/04/sabah-rci-terms-next-saturday/#ixzz22fVVbNQX

PM Najib Has Not Enough Confidence To Win, Says Anwar


Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak may not have enough confidence to win in the upcoming 13th general election (GE13), despite making early preparation, Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim speculated today.

“The country’s attention, therefore, is on the upcoming general election. But it seems that Najib has again postponed calling for the election, even though I have heard about the BN’s final preparation for the July election,” Anwar told reporters before leaving for Kuala Lumpur after a two-day tour to Sarawak.
He said the postponement shows that BN, with the arrogant display of its so-called strength, has no confidence that it is able to defend its position in Putrajaya this time.
“We, the Pakatan Rakyat (PR), on our part, must work harder and ensure that our grassroots machineries from the DAP, PKR and Pas, cooperate with one another, and secondly, we want to see the process of clean election being conducted.
“We have problems in respect of the electoral rolls, though it is little in Sarawak, the serious problems are in Sabah, Selangor, Federal Territory and Johor.
“There are contradictions of names in the electoral rolls because of the presence of large numbers of dubious and suspicious names, which we believe are foreigners,” he said.
Anwar said Najib has stated that the Federal Government wanted to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry on the large numbers of foreigners who have registered as voters in the Sabah, but the term of reference alone takes two years to finalise.
“That means, he is not serious, and if he forms one, it will be one or two months before the election or just a gimmick for the election.
“If you are serious, it should have been formed. It makes no sense and nowhere in the world where you have to decide the terms for a major commission and not resolve after two years,” he said, adding that Najib was making an excuse or pretext to form the RCI.
He said the issue of foreigners who have registered as voters is not peculiar to Sabah, but also a major problem in Selangor and Federal Territory.
“I have called for a national RCI, because if you just confined to Sabah, there is a danger because at the time the commission has conducted those studies, they will export those people to Selangor and Kuala Lumpur.
“After the completion of the studies or investigations, then they will bring back those people to Sabah,” he claimed.
“Therefore, it has to be a national commission of inquiry that covers the whole country or parts of the country affected by the problems,” he said.
Anwar said there appeared to be increased in allocations announced by Najib, but it shows how desperate the BN is, and it is not consistent or inherent policies, but only done prior to the elections.
He said some people would be gullible enough to believe that the BN is generous, but it also shows that the BN and Najib are weak and desperate to win in the upcoming election.
Anwar said one classic case is a huge demand for taxi permits, and what do they get?
“Four tyres. It shows disconnect between the policies of BN and Najib and the real demands of the rakyat,” he said.
Anwar also called on “our friends” from Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak, to join forces and demand change in the country.
“That is important, not just MPs or individuals, but there must be a total clamour for change.
And we will certainly welcome people who are committed to our reform agenda, people who understand Buku Jingga and Pakatan Rakyat’s agenda.
“Although I know from time to time, in Peninsula Malaysia as well in Sarawak, people attacking Buku Jingga which I must thank to encourage people to read it, otherwise, you only read Buku Jingga when Najib attacks me, but there is not a word of it in the mainstream media.
“Interesting, they attack Anwar every day, but they never report what Anwar has to say,” he said.
Anwar urged Sarawakians to help change the BN government, saying:. Can Sarawakians agree to the present land policy. Can Sarawakians agree with the facts that foreigners are given ICs summarily. Can Sarawakians agree that corruption has become endemic and then you have large gap between the very rich and the very poor?”
“These are non-acceptable to Sarawakians and transcend racial consideration. They have been using these issues in the Malay/Muslim areas, for example, accusing PR of wanting to surrender the Malay leadership or supremacy and privileges and rights to the non-Malays.
“That is the campaign, but of course, in Kuching and Kuala Lumpur, Najib will talk about 1Malaysia, but he will use his entire machinery on the ground, just look at the courses of BTN, Jasa, with the message that the PR is here to sell our rights to the Chinese and non-bumiputras.
“I am here to reiterate that we are here to protect and defend our rights – our rights means the rights of the Malays, Chinese, Dayaks and others, as enshrined and guaranteed by the Federal Constitution,” he said.